Study of Scripture is an important part of our relationship with Jesus and God’s people


The Nursery is currently unavailable.
Preschool and Elementary Youth Children’s Church/Sunday School
Weekly during the
10:30 a.m. worship service
(September – May)
The youth, 4 years old through 5th grade, will begin worship with their families, and after the Children’s Message, be dismissed with their teachers to experience the Word, or message of worship in a more age appropriate way. We will then return to worship as an entire congregation during the peace, so that our youth will still receive Communion/Prayers.
Middle School Youth
Please contact Pastor Julie Bailey at if any questions
High School Youth
Our Youth are preparing for the 2024 Youth Gathering in New Orleans. 
A fundraising opportunity that is available is returning pop cans that are donated.  Remember you get 1/2 of the amount in your account and 1/2 goes into the Youth general fund.  Every little bit adds up.
Sign up on the kiosk at church!
Sunday Bible Study
At 9:15 A.M.

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. as we discuss “The Jesus I Never Knew.” This six-session study will challenge or change your perception of who Jesus is. Each week we will see several film depictions of Jesus, his life, and ministry. Some will be funny, some profound, and some might even find them disturbing. We will then have discussion that will help us discover the Jesus you never knew! If you wish you may purchase the book by Philip Yancy, but it isn’t required. They are available at any store that sells books.

May 5th – June 9th

This class is held in the Digging Dunes Room.

At 11:00 A.M.
You are invited to join us at 11 a.m. on Tuesday mornings via Zoom. Join us, and as always friends are welcome.
Let Pastor Julie know if you need the Zoom invite.


Sep-Dec and Feb-May on Monday Evenings

All women are invited!

Our Mary to Martha Women’s Bible Study is open to women of all ages, and stages of faith, members & non-members, as we seek a closer relationship with our Lord. We know that you’ll be blessed by God’s Word and fellowship with other women, and we’ll be blessed by your presence. Direct questions to Joyce Richardson.
A previous study; The Story